Beyond blindness there is love throughout

Beyond blindness there is love throughoutInto the darkest day of the soul,
through the pain and despair,
inside the depths of my heart,
without any thought of any sort,
by almost dying, I learned to be thankful
for the power of love.

Beyond blindness, I saw the light.
Beneath my warm skin,
around the chaotic world
above the sheltering sky,
there is love throughout.

Until the end of time,
even behind hatred eyes, love hides.
Without love, I would have passed away
but thanks to it
I am still alive.

Out of time,
in another dimension
till I discovered the joy of existence
across Nirvana.

Sobre el Autor: Nohora

10 comentarios a “Beyond blindness there is love throughout”

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  1. Silvia Rodrigues - noviembre 23, 2016 en 10:28 am Deja un comentario

    The power of love is the most precious power that’s inside one of us, and sometimes we don’t know the real mean of it, and how to use it.

  2. Sandra Roríguez - noviembre 23, 2016 en 7:29 pm Deja un comentario

    Fantastic! There’s not language for love.

  3. Eleci - noviembre 26, 2016 en 7:16 pm Deja un comentario

    Beautiful, Nohora! Love is all we need!

  4. Marival Casero - noviembre 30, 2016 en 10:30 am Deja un comentario

    El amor, una sonrisa, son los motores de mi vida. ¡Con qué delicadeza escribes y dibujas!!! Gracias por tus mensajes

  5. Juan Felipe - diciembre 1, 2016 en 12:44 pm Deja un comentario

    ¡Bello! Gracias por compartirlo.

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